Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Short Story

Right after I ended the call, I was more curious than concerned about what Brynn and Marissa had to tell me that was so urgent. Due to their reputation, I couldn’t help but assume that it had to do with their reckless partying habits. Scenarios raced through my mind. Was Brynn messed up on coke again? Did Marissa attempt to drive back drunk from her beach house? Or were police involved with their careless actions they tend to portray on a typical Saturday night.
I ran down the hallway towards my parents’ room. My mother was sleeping but my father was still awake since he tends not to go to bed till 3am and it was just about 1am at the moment.
“Hey Papa, um, Brynn and Marissa need me to meet them at Bell Tower. Can I go?”
“Why do they need you to meet them?”
“I’m not sure. They didn’t tell me. I’m assuming they’re incapable of driving at the moment.”
“They have parents. They can pick them up.”
“Dad, you know how they are and you know they’re not gonna call their parents.”
“Ok fine. Just be home by two so that Mom doesn’t start to worry if she wakes up.”
            I grabbed the keys to my pickup truck, deactivated the house alarm, and walked out. I then climbed into my truck and reluctantly pulled out of the driveway.  I was in no mood to go for a twenty-minute drive in the middle of the night to take care of my friends especially since my parents are going to give me shit for having such low life friends, but there are only so many people to choose from in this town. Plus, they are two of my best friends so I felt obligated to help them out.
            After driving through the empty streets while listening to Backstreet Boys to feel less lonely, I pulled into Bell Tower. Marissa was parked in the deserted parking lot waiting in her black Nissan Altima. Next to her car was and a police car where I saw Brynn being handcuffed with her face reddened from crying. There was another police officer talking to Marissa by her car. Right when I parked my truck, one of the police officers walked up to the window. They tapped on the window and I rolled it down to hear what he had to say.
“Who are you?”
“My name is Raven Blitz. The girl with the black hair called me to come meet her here but I’m not sure why.”
“Oh you were the person she called. She needs to be driven home. She’s too drunk to drive, but your blonde friend was drunk driving her car so we’re taking her in.”
Not quite sure what to say to all this, I only replied, “Thank you officer. Sorry about my friends.”
            I was unable to go up and comfort Brynn since the officers will just view me as an annoyance as ask me to leave. I refused to make eye contact with her. Not out of disappointment, but because there was nothing I could do for her so I did not want to bring her attention towards me. Marissa got in the passenger seat of my car and I started driving towards her house.
“What happened?” I asked so that I can get the full story of what happened.
“Ryan was having a party and the damn neighbors called cops so we had to leave before either of us were sober enough to drive.”
“So Brynn got a DUI?”
“Yeah and also arrested for possessing marijuana when they checked her, and I got a citation for underage drinking but luckily nothing more. Do you know what’s going to happen to Brynn?”
“I honestly have no idea and I am certainly not going to be the one to tell her parents.”
“My parents are going to be so pissed that I got a citation but whatever.”
            Once I dropped Marissa at her house she thanked me and was very appreciative that I drove her back instead of her being forced to call her parents. Marissa did not seem too concerned about Brynn. She was more focused on her parent’s reaction to getting in some trouble. I was worried for Brynn because she’s been in enough trouble as it is. She means well but just makes stupid decisions. I know when I get home and my dad will ask me what happened and I will obviously have to tell him. It’s guaranteed that my mom and dad are going to ridicule me for having a distasteful friend selection, but they can’t scorn me for helping a friend in need.  

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